Hello there..everyone should be wondering why i pursue my studies until the highest level..the answers are quite simple, it is because i really love to gain more knownledge and at the same time i want to be better from my previous background...I'm not from a welthy family, my father do some self work while my mother is an OKU (org kelainan upaya; got stroke few years ago)..Ever since i finished my bachelor degree, my mum always said.."go to work, and help mum and dad.."..but i convienced them saying that pursuing studies will promise a better life..and they agreed...at initial during my master's degree studies, i suffer a lot..i still remember, i've to squat in my friend's room almost a year before i able to get a room..i do a part-time job (clinic assistant, tutor, driver) just to collect money and pay the tuition fees..i've experiencing eating a loaf of bread with a maggi me soup as my dinner..i also experiencing sleeping on floor while squating in my friend's room..and alhamdulilah, i got sponsorship from MOHE and USM pays me as a graduate assistant..i strugle to finish up my master's degree early and hatched few papers in well-known journals..i just hope maybe this is just the begining and i can easily do PhD after this..but things went wrong...this year and next year, the goverment decreased the financial support to university and limit the numbers of scholarship appliant..the effect?? of course the student, like me....i didn't score well in my undergraduate studies...but it's enough for me to do a master..so of course i wouldn't able to apply any scholarship offered..i have tried, but still no answer..the things is...it's just unfair....eventhough my CGPA are not as good as those who converting to PhD, but i can prove them that i can do work!!! I publish numbers of paper and have a well knownledge about my field..even the best student during undergraduate also didn't perform as i do...but they can easily get sponsor or financial support...maybe if there is no other option, i guess i have to forget about PhD for a moment...
p/s: need to study about cyclic voltametry said the new boss....
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