Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Next, aiming for this...

Impact factor: 3.463..boleh kah??

Main SV and Co-SV dh granted permission utk write a research manuscript ke C.P...Ini adalah prcubaan pertama utk hantar ke journal ber-I-F tinggi (yg sblm ni paling tinggi pn, 2 lebih from Int. J. Electrochem. dgn Mat. Chem. Phys. )..i'm so excited and really on to it!

Hence, kali ni punya manuscript kene lebih cantik, compact, full-with-datas dan bahasa yg lebih cantik dari yg sblm2 ni..Even though novelity of this manuscript is just with its new source, i wouldn't least it's still new for me...wish me luck!!!

p/s: tempoh bergelar org bujang dh x lama..insyaallah!

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