Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to write a paper (Part 1)

Based on my true experience, i would like to share with all of you on how to write a research paper..huhu..i'm not saying that i'm good at it, but i think it would be good to share with..

What you need before submitting a manuscript??

1) Cover letter
2) Manuscript
4) Tables

we will go through each subtopics in detail; First, lets start with a manuscript..

How to write a good research manuscript??

1) Lots of journals/papers/books related with your research (for citation)
2) Orders must be accordingly (Abstract, Intro, Experimental, Result and discussion, conclusion)
3) Language/the flow

In order to write a good manuscript, first things that must come across is that your work contains a lot of well-arrange data and new study have been done just to make your work more interesting (easier to be accepted). Sometime i know that we have a lot of thing to tell but how to explain it on a piece of paper??

You can start by using a proceeding papers (papers that was sent in any conference) and modify it or else you can start with a fresh one. Beware..Don't start with an abstract!! You must point out what are the subtopics that you have and correlate them to write intro and experimental.


An intro must be short and tells briefly about your raw material, historical part, previous related study and objectives of your work..

to be continued....

p/s: all copyrights..kalau nk copy, kne mintak izin dulu..haha


Anonymous said...

copy n paste...wah laa ni aq kne ade 2 folder asing..1 ang punya,lg 1 boss punya..aq copy paste smua..then terbitkan 1 buku..author by me..giler jahat..slmt beraya bro..gue raye in campus jaa...

Hazwan Hussin said...

nnt ak ngn boss saman ko..