Tuesday, December 22, 2009

23rd on 23rd!!!

meh, makan...jangan malu2 pulak..hehehe

Happy Bufday to me...(hahahaha)

suprisingly,it is my 23rd birthday and falls on 23rd Dec...

very rare to see that rite!!!

Well anyway, may the upcoming years going to be blissfull and success to me..(ngeh3)

Kepada anda semua, saya belanja kek strawberry cheesecake pada korang sume..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Life as a Postgraduate

As far as i concern, being a post-grad student sometimes is little bit headache than undergrads..

I believe in all fields, most of them hardly striving towards their vision..

Well i guess we are more independent compaired with the undergrad student..That is why i'm really pissed off if the "new" post-graduate keep asking seniors how to do this,this and this..It is not badly piss off,but i guess at this stages,they already able to think logically not like other immature student (haha)..

Reading and keep practising is the best medicine to heal this problem..If this really doesn't help,then came the seniors to advise..

Funny facts to share, as a post-grad, we always pretend to do all of the work in front of the advisor (hahaha..) but i really believe that most of us didn't know what's really happening inside...and at the meeting time, the scene is just like in the battlefield..to those who aren't ready with their bulletproof jackect, they will be shots till down..most postgrad get rid of it..
Moreover,most postgrad have a very long list of promises..i'm sure you do right?haha..
In addition, most postgrad have their very own seasons..maybe during january till april, they keep busying doing research and when it comes to 2-3 month before end of the year, some goes to lab only to check emails, lunch together with other labmates,or fill in forms for extention,claims,quotations and others..
But for all those, i really enjoy being as postgrad..hehe

p/s: merapu lagi..intro dah stuck nih

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Appy New year!! salam awal muharam 1431 H

slamat taun baru kawan2..
smoga taun baru ni bwat kte lebih maju dan tawadhuk brbanding tahun lpas
malaysia menang emas!!!
p/s: ntah pape jek,tbe2 cte pasal bola

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Go go gorila

Lab safety sangat penting walaupun ak x amalknnye selalu

ari smlm geram betul...

time tgh runkn sample stdnt FYP kat lab bwah, ade tragedi yg x diingini jd..

cmni,ak naik lab atas utk tgk2 sblm ak g kuar mkn tghari..

tperanjatnye ak tgk glassware dryer dlm lab trbakar..

pncanya,ade yg tgglkn bnd ni 'on' pas2 blah g mkn..

yg tmbah geram lg, die keringkn botol plastik, pkai temp tinggi..

esk pg ak bwat meeting grup..

Dr. Jain xde smp ujung bln,so pape jd dlm lab senior yg kne..

ak nk basuh seekor2..yeeaaaahhh!!!
go go gorila pnya tahap

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

double treat match

lepas siap tulis paper, ak anto kt my boss (Dr. Jain)..
pastu,sdg ak brbincang psal paper yg ak tulis...
"u dah buat smp mn??" die brtanye..
"skrg tgh buat study on 3 % NaCl.." ak mnjawab..
"nape u rumitkn keje u ni?? i suh u stdy NaCl in presence of acid..jd ape test yg u dah buat??" die musykil..
"sume trmasuk effect temperature n conc gne weight loss,polarization, impedance n SEM" jwabku..
"haaaa...tulah,bwat xnk tanye..kan dah confuse"my boss ckap (hambik ko)
"bnd tu dah bley jd st lg pny study,PhD pny research pn kalah klau mcm ni..(ayaark..kne lagi)"my boss mnembak spuasnye..
"cmni, u explain ape yg u dah bwat"my boss simpan pistol die dlm kocek..
"bla bla bla bla bla..(10 min)" ak mula mem'bla'..
"dah bnyk dah ni...i nk u abis cpt b4 i pencen, dah staun lbh kn?? (ak angguk)" my boss mula fham kpenatan ku
"skrg ni u sit down,kumpulkn u pny data n start tulis tesis" mlenyapkan kelegaan ak..
"tmbh stdy on pH 3 plak" die mula lagi..
"ok Dr...nnt sy buat" ak myedapkan hatinye
"bagos..jgn hilang tujuan lg" gelaknye..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Electrochemica Acta

Aku sedang brusaha....uurrghhh,,chaiyok!!
Electrochemica Acta (impact factor: 3.078)
Boleh ke???
ade orang cabar aku utk amik award Persada Kencana taun dpn...
layak ke???
trus menaip dan membaca lagi...

p/s: lagu tommy page, shoulder to cry on sdg brkumandang di laptop ak...awal2 pg nih..